Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Suggesting a memory in movement and intention?

Thoughts and accomplishments of the day: Dancing inside an imaginary box, reminding the sound keeper of his distant memories, tackling the task of stacking his collection of sounds, catching a friend in flight and dancing under cover.

The technique of the crescent roll is attuned with the moon phase here at the creek. We practice soft landings, and spirals in the morning and felt our fish spine in the afternoon. Week 3 is now accompanied by more clarity and more kinks all in one.

I have never had the experience of feeling my own air trapped in my lungs until today when Daelik asked me to dance with a bag on my head. Usually when I improvise I love playing with my vestibular system and aim to shake my orientation. But today was the real deal! I could feel my lungs collapse and found myself spun around and flipped upside down in my perceived orientation. This is a whole other training now. We didn't capture an imagine of this one, so you will have to use your imagination.

There are many tasks to practice in the studio now: moving Cory through space, mobilizing and stacking boxes, feeling the timing/weight shift and skeletal structures in our partnering, detailing movement phrases, and dancing with limited air.

I hope I survive Wednesday, unlike our little Ro-Dantz friend today...


1 comment:

  1. Hi Sara,
    Looking at your video now, it's hard to see the space, or rather the arrangement of dancers in the space as being something other than hierarchical. I can't stop thinking that the person in front and centre is leading everyone else. I wonder what a solution to this could be for groups.
