Monday, July 5, 2010

We are offering WORKSHOPS with Guest Directors

Mark it on your list of things to do this week:

Dancing on the the Edge is pleased to offer workshops with guest directors Cory Bowles (Halifax) and Dan Safer (New York).

Where: Firehall Arts Centre Studio (upstairs), 280 East Cordova Street

Friday July 9th, 10am-12pm
Cory Bowles

Workshop Description:
This workshop has a strong influence of African Tradition and uses
fundamentals of early black dance. Designed to use the body as a
rhythmic tool, participants utilize voice and sound to create a
charging connection of dance and design in a group dynamic. The class
will integrates breath, flow, space, and release work; a style used in
Cory’s work as a director, actor and choreographer and starts from the
rule of natural movement. Referred to as Straight up Moving, the body
plays a function of precision and alignment and taps into the the
natural rhythm skills a dancer and actor possess. Combined with early
jazz, body percussion and techniques of physical theatre, it is a wide
open approach to contemporary dance.

Saturday July 10th: 10am-12pm
Dan Safer

Workshop Description
This workshop is geared towards bringing the idea of dance/ choreography into direct collision with theater. How do you make work that is as much a dance as it is theater, dances that are scenes, scenes that are dances, movement that is fully inhabited and tells a story and/or creates a world? What happens when you apply choreographic principles to a dramatic scene? What happens when you apply theatrical modes to pure movement? How can you work with context and montage to invest abstraction with meaning? And how do you make sure it is all entertaining, or involving, or un-ignorable?

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