Saturday, July 10, 2010

Warm Gooey Balls and Opening Night Anticipation!

Yesterday, was our last rehearsal before the Canadian Premiere and Opening Night. Energy was high, and we are ready to rock!

Chaos, Confusion, negotiation, playfulness, panic, relief, sweat, tears, beer, and a lot of warm gooey balls!

Enjoy the Friday June 9th Vancouver Sun article.

Correction in the print:
SHOWS TIMES: Saturday July 10th at 8:30pm (tonight) and Sunday July 11th at 2pm and 8:30pm
Location: Scotiabank Dance Centre, 677 Davie Street.

Join us tonight for the opening night reception and oh yes... this is the theatre with air-conditioning.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Three's a charm

New York has touched down.
Vancouver is in the theatre
Halifax is still sampling the food.

we show and tell a wee bit today

the three vibes are nice
beer, paper and cell phones

Thomas is here in spirit, and we send our spirit back to him.

question of the day - do you really need a liquor licence for empty cans on stage?

answer - obviously not.


Monday, July 5, 2010

It's not a competition

I have equal excitment for all groups, Sara


Team Vancouver is back in the game

Today, Team Vancouver meet in the studio for the first day of remount. I think they are a few points ahead of Team Halifax.... We were able to get a run in on the first day!! Halifax had their first run on day two. Nice work Vancouver!

Cory stopped in for a few minutes to get a peek at what Vancouver will serve up. It was worth just seeing his reaction and excitement for the upcoming pairing, weaving and many possible accidents. Negotiation is our next point of research.

(Cory is in the room next to me, on the chi machine arguing my point system. SINS dance worked last in Jan and Vancouver worked in May, 2.5 months equals 1 day, so the score is actually 1-1)... how did this turn sport..... guess we have the world cup fever.


Photo by Connor Gnam

We are offering WORKSHOPS with Guest Directors

Mark it on your list of things to do this week:

Dancing on the the Edge is pleased to offer workshops with guest directors Cory Bowles (Halifax) and Dan Safer (New York).

Where: Firehall Arts Centre Studio (upstairs), 280 East Cordova Street

Friday July 9th, 10am-12pm
Cory Bowles

Workshop Description:
This workshop has a strong influence of African Tradition and uses
fundamentals of early black dance. Designed to use the body as a
rhythmic tool, participants utilize voice and sound to create a
charging connection of dance and design in a group dynamic. The class
will integrates breath, flow, space, and release work; a style used in
Cory’s work as a director, actor and choreographer and starts from the
rule of natural movement. Referred to as Straight up Moving, the body
plays a function of precision and alignment and taps into the the
natural rhythm skills a dancer and actor possess. Combined with early
jazz, body percussion and techniques of physical theatre, it is a wide
open approach to contemporary dance.

Saturday July 10th: 10am-12pm
Dan Safer

Workshop Description
This workshop is geared towards bringing the idea of dance/ choreography into direct collision with theater. How do you make work that is as much a dance as it is theater, dances that are scenes, scenes that are dances, movement that is fully inhabited and tells a story and/or creates a world? What happens when you apply choreographic principles to a dramatic scene? What happens when you apply theatrical modes to pure movement? How can you work with context and montage to invest abstraction with meaning? And how do you make sure it is all entertaining, or involving, or un-ignorable?

Friday, July 2, 2010

A director's dirty work

Seen here our director, Cory Bowles, must do the dirty work of authenticating Sara's actions from instruction number 9 - "Fucking."

The instructions are for each dancer to create a motif based on a position of the sexual act. Today Cory questioned, and proceeded to test, the accuracy of Sara's unconventional sexual position - turns out it can be done!


Day five is an odd number

In light of the fifth day, i ask
five questions
Who, What, where, why, and when?

Five themes
etological, cultural, personal, physical, and historical identities.

Five spots in space

Five beats per phrase

And Five dollars for the delicious frites I'm getting at break.

A full run will be a blessing
Or a scare

I'll take either

Setting it straight..... we are actually pretty devious

Schreibstuck is featured in the Straight this week, take a look.

One week today- and the anticipated union of all three trios will take place. I just spoke to Dan Safer this morning from Brooklyn, it was great to connect and hear a bit more of his side of the schreibstuck story. Dan's company Witness Relocation has performed their trio, version #13 in Bangkok and in Atlanta in two separate productions.

Now heading north-west for the Canadian Premiere I will be happy to share the stage with such a German structuralist expert!

I haven't actually specifically counted out the number of times or ways we have deviated from Thomas' instructions.... but I think we are staying straight and narrow when it comes to his intent... But then again it is my interpretation of his intent. But what is deviating, and what is staying true to your voice. I didn't set out to be a rule breaker, sometimes this just happens. It's my truth to fit in. conscious, sub-conscious and accidental it's all there.

Maybe I will post how many times I broke the rules, but I think I will wait till the last day of the production... so YOU can experience some anticipation as well.


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Talking Heads and Muttering Appendages

Vancouver is sunny, and rainy at the same time.

The weather switches in a heartbeat. You blink, and it rains, you breath you squint at the sun. It's inspiring. I'm stealing it. Thanks weather. We're going rainy and sunny.
We do that anyway, or at least I thought we did.

It's just now i get it a little more.
